your blueprint to bloat free bliss
Ready to ditch the bloat & finally dust off your favourite high-waisted pants you haven’t been able to wear in ages?
Cool. I love that for you. I created this deep-dive workshop serving all the tea on how to ditch the bloat for good, complete with all the resources you need to achieve bloat-free bliss.
I hear it from my clients, my community, and honestly from people
I just get into conversations with about this all the time (😅):
Bloating is the most frustrating, annoying digestive symptom you’d love to finalllly get rid of 😮💨
And I get it.
Back when I was at my lowest point with my gut health — even though I was dealing with a whole whack of other symptoms alongside my bloating (like constipation, GERD, fatigue, etc.) — that ‘I-look-7-months-pregnant-kinda-bloat’ was one of the most frustrating ones to deal with.
Not only was it uncomfortable, and painful, and frustrating, and disheartening. It impacted so many areas of my life.
It determined what I felt comfortable (or not) wearing during the day. It impacted my confidence, and how I felt in my body. It impacted my sex life (!!!). It influenced whether or not I’d go out with friends, or stay at home and curl up on the couch. It was CONSTANTLY on my mind — taking me away from my work, my relationships, and any headspace I had left for extracurriculars.
It was exhausting and uncomfortable, and probably just like yourself, I tried everything to get rid of it.
Supplements. Diets. Medications. Colonics 🥴. Seeing doctors. Intermittent fasting.
You name it, I likely tried it.
It wasn’t until that I started to address some of the reasons WHY I was bloated (via a root-cause approach!), and incorporated proven (non-trendy 😅) tools, that I started to see a significant shift in my bloating, and my overall gut health.
and the thing is, This shift is possible for you, too.
If you’ve been struggling with bloating and distention — and you’ve tried a TON of stuff to fix it — know that with the right tools, the right strategies, and addressing why you’re struggling with bloating in the first place, you CAN see your symptoms fade away, and feel incredible in your body again.
Let that shift happen right now.
what you’ll learn in class has got clients results like these 👇
Bye-Bye Bloat Bootcamp
your blueprint to bloat free bliss
A ~72-ish-minute pre-recorded deep-dive workshop where we’ll cover EVERYTHING you need to know as it relates to your bloating: why it’s happening, how to get rid of it, and how to use nutrition lifestyle, supplementation, and herbals to ease your bloating, and feel GOOD in your body again.
You’ll access allllllll the proven tools I use with my 1:1 clients 🔥 condensed into a super-actionable class
When you join us, not only will you access the pre-recorded class you can keep referring back to, but you’ll also get:
✅ At-Home Motility (Transit) Test Instructions (to help you uncover whether slow motility and constipation is at the root of your bloating)
✅ The Bye-Bye Bloat Lifestyle Toolkit (including simple, actionable tools to ease bloating, reduce gas, and optimize your digestion for less frustrating symptoms 🔥)
✅ Supplement Guide for Bloating & Fullscript Protocols (so in addition to the nutrition and lifestyle tools you’ll integrate, you also have targeted supplemental tools to lean on to prevent, and ease bloating, no matter the situation you’re in)
✅ Herbal Guide for Bloating (there are so many beautiful plant medicines that can help ease and prevent bloating, support motility and constipation, and rev up your digestion; this guide will share which herbs are best used for what, how to use them, and where to get them)
✅ Nutritionist-approved, gut-healthy recipes (in case the nutrition piece is confusing for you — we’ve got you covered with gut-healthy recipes that’ll support your digestion, while minimizing your chances of bloating!)
All for only: 37$ CAD
Note: when you sign up for class, you will also be added to my weekly newsletter: Well Supported Weekly. I never share your information, and you can unsubscribe at any time (though you may want to stick around 😉 it’s a good r).

meet your nutritionist
Hey 👋 I’m Mia — IBS & Gut Health Nutritionist
I’m obsessed with helping folks like you, restore your digestion (hasta la vista bloating and inconsistent bowel movements 👋), regain that jump-outta-bed-in-the-morning kinda energy, and rediscover your confidence.
I personally struggled with chronic digestive issues — including bloating and distention! I’ve since been able to completely transform my gut health, and can’t wait to help you do the same.